“In the Biblical story, man is presented first as a hungry being and the whole world as his food.” -Fr. Alexander Schmemann
This is the meal prepared for us at the foundations of the world.
Before Adam was born; our spear pierced our Lord.
Blood poured from His side and filled our heart,
His body broken by the devil’s poisonous dart.
For the rivers of the Nile have begun to run red,
With the glorious raising of the dead.
No longer tormented by the sin of Adam,
Something we previously could not fathom.
The bosom of man cries out, “Forbidden fruit cannot satisfy!”
“For all the sons of Adam shall die.”
The Angels join in heavenly chorus, “It is not the right meal.”
But Christ Himself Satisfies; He has paid the price of Israel
“Eat my flesh, feel my side!”
“The fig has been cursed, there’s no need to hide!”
The Lord has come and heard our cries,
Behold! There at last, the dead shall rise!
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